Ms. Charli Mace is a color and image expert, specializing in teaching others how to use color to cultivate confidence and prosperity in life. Her talent for teaching the proprietary ColorTools 5-Step Color System for individuals and business professionals is unique.

Charli Mace Speaker Sheet (download)

Radio podcasts on WMEL and Talk Network Radio:

So Social Radio Show/ Talk Network Radio

Topic: What Color is YOUR Business?

Color is the most powerful sales tool. Color evokes emotion that triggers action. The colors you choose for your business presence and presentation are extremely important and they play a 90% role in a buyers purchase decision.

There are 3 major guidelines you must keep in mind when you are trying to get your customers to take action on your ‘sales message’.


So Social Radio Show/ Talk Network Radio

Topic: YOUR Business – Color and Branding
  1. Why is color important? 8 Key Factors
    1. Personal Color makes YOU look approachable
    2. Branding and Logo colors – consistent with product/service
    3. Psychological relationship with meaning and physiological characteristics.


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