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That is all the time you have to make that first impression.
The first thing you notice when someone approaches is color.
Believe it or not, color will affect your mood, attitude, presentation and style.
Have you ever seen a person enter a room and think to yourself ‘they must be so truly successful at anything they do’? I am sure we have all been attracted to someone like that, even if we do not know them. Their key is giving the image of a very ‘polished’ appearance.
Whether you realize it or not, color is the first thing that is noticed.
Color evokes emotion and action.
The other things that are noticed are makeup, hairstyle and wardrobe. They are observed in order of ‘what stands out first’ be it good or bad.
For YOU to have a polished appearance all of these things must be pulled together to make YOU appear attractive, successful and someone we would like to be around.
To dress with style and impact, you must develop your own personal signature. There are many factors that should be considered when developing your personal style and your own polished presence, your Color Image is the first building block, it is the first thing people see. Dressing in your ‘correct’ color image you will appear slimmer, younger, and successful. In short, YOU appear to be successful and someone that others want to be around.
Remember, color is THE FIRST impression you make on everyone’s visual world. What is your color message saying? Is it confident, trustworthy, and honest? That is what your customers want.
Remember, you are ALWAYS a part of someone else’s visual world.
Make it colorful.