Makeup is a great way to empower anyone, because it’s meant to enhance one’s natural beauty. It can also serve to highlight and add drama to your best features, especially the eyes. When it comes to the tone and hue of eye shadows, different looks are appropriate for certain times and venues.

Eye ShadowsDark, saturated colors are excellent for slinking out at night, while natural colors are appropriate for any venue during the day, especially work and school. When applying eye shadow, it’s important to take note of what will compliment your eye color the most.

If your eyes are blue or green, try using a contrasting bright such as orange or red. Your eyes will pop radiantly, and the look will give you added charm and vivaciousness. For light brown or hazel eyes, green eye shadow is a great contrasting hue, while intense purples are excellent for highlighting dark brown eyes.

Playing with bold, bright colors is always fun, but when you need to go for a more natural look, use shades that are slightly shimmery, but closer to your natural skin tone. Darken the outer corner of your eye, while highlighting the inner corner to make them wake up with a dewy glow. Like eye shadow, don’t overdo jet black eyeliner, especially if you’re fair skinned.

White eyeliner is also great for lining the bottom, inner lid, so that your eyes appear larger and more awake. When you’re trying to expel a drowsy look in the AM before jetting to class or work, strategically placed liner and shadow can dramatically brighten your face from its ashen prison.

When using either bright or natural colors, it’s important that you blend the makeup well so that it doesn’t appear harsh or caked on. You want makeup to flash effortlessly, so use your best instincts and experiment to find the looks that are perfect for you.

Have fun, play and enjoy! Charli


Eye Shadow Colors – Natural vs Bright
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