Are you struggling to ‘make your mark’ in your personal or business persona? Is it time to have a candid conversation about where slight improvements can make a world of difference?
Where can we have the biggest impact in your life: wardrobe, make-up, style, stage presence, branding? Are you looking for a career change? To grow your business and your brand? A nice boost of self-confidence? Or, are you planning or attending a special event?
Is it time to review Your Brand Analysis? There is an entire branch of science and psychology that focuses on color. Color has a language and it must speak to your client and evoke emotion! What are your brand colors saying (or not saying) about you? We’ll tap into the message you wish to put out into the world and discover which colors best convey that message according to science and psychology. (This would include but not be limited to product/ presentation/ environment/ customer perception).
An Initial Assessment can help you determine where you need to concentrate or improve your strength in other peoples visual world. Together we can determine a course of action that will help YOU and your brand become confident and consistent and leverage your time and money to the next level.
Use Coupon Code: sosocial to waive the fee for this Initial Assessment. Let’s schedule a conversation to make YOU look great!
Consultation - Initial Assessment
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