Color is a powerful sales tool. Color evokes emotion and that is one of the first requirements for your customer to ‘buy now’.
Play for Pink – everyone knows that October is the month for Breast Cancer charities.
Orange and black are here for Halloweeen.
Red and Green are the traditional colors for the Christmas holidays.
What color are you using as your sales tool?
Color is the first thing people see and it does not matter whether you are selling products or services. Keep these 3 guidelines in mind when you are trying to get your ‘sales message’ across.
1 – Polish your professional presence. Simply put, wear colors that enhance YOUR unique coloration so that you have a radiance that exudes a pulled together and pleasing appearance. Keep your wardrobe style consistent with your industry. When you are dressed in colors that make YOU look good, you automatically feel better and carry an air of confidence in your presentation.
2- Keep your sales materials simple but effective. Do not use too many colors in your literature, packaging or presentation. Repetition of 2 or 3 colors MAX is enough to catch your buyer’s attention without overwhelming them with ‘too much going on’. Use your main business color to attract the attention of your ‘target audience’. Remember, every color has a psychological reaction by those looking at it.
3- Be consistent and grateful. Color goes a long way when you are presenting your own brand. Golden arches and purple pills immediately identify specific brand products. Use the same philosophy when presenting your materials. If you are touting others products that you do not have color control over, then consider the packaging or service that you provide. Simply wrapping that purchase or gift in a consistent color tissue paper is enough to make your customer remember you. Happy customers often bring referrals, express your gratitude.
ColorTools is proud to provide great service, pink bags or magenta envelopes for customer purchases and a smile with every customer encounter. Pink is not a unique color for our target market, but we do it with a smile, lots of energy and a sincere thank you. We are consistent with our message, helping YOU to look your best, save time, and save money.
We are happy to ‘teach’ someone to make simple changes to enhance themselves and their business image. In our business arena, we consistently teach other business owners and executives how to use color to enrich their lives and businesses. Color is a powerful force, evoking emotion and action.
Our proven theories and products have grown to serve individual businesses and consultants in over 40 countries!
You know the color of our business, how can we help you with yours? Call us today! 800-248-7947.
Colorfully yours, Charli